Okay, so you’ve read Part I: The Research and Part II: the Route! and now you’re ready to dive into reading about the organization strategy that I personally use–which isn’t for everyone, but could give you some ideas nonetheless. For new readers: I’ve been to all 50 States and 37 countries, the majority by road, so people occasionally ask how I plan my road trips, which is why I’m (finally) sharing.

(I will say, if you’re not a paper-wasting journal lover, there’s an app that I like, TripIt, which does a decent job of pulling all of your travel details together. It’s actually pretty impressive. But I need something physical to hold–and to preserve the memories.)

Over the years, I’ve had many ways of organizing trips–in some kind of binder, within a calendar/datebook, in a travel journal or a combination travel photo album/journal, etc. But for the past several years, I have been using a specific type of leather journal-binder-thing that I absolutely love.

Okay, but why?
- It really does help me organize the trip--lodging, route, activities, etc.
- I enjoy creating the planner because it gets me excited about the trip
- I can access it without internet connection (I’ve been in enough deserts, mountains, and foreign countries to know not to rely purely on the internet)
- It serves as a travelogue/journal/scrapbook when the trip is over!
So…what do I put in it?
I’ll break it down into Pre-trip and During-trip, as well as how I arrange sections. I’ll try to keep the more informative examples in the beginning before this just devolves into pages just because I like pages. (Not Pinterest-worthy lol)
Sometimes, the calendar isn’t the very first thing you see because I’ll come across a scrap that I want to see every time I open the journal–one that looks great paired with the leather cover. Or something related to the purpose of the trip. Purely aesthetic!

In Part II, I touched on the calendar pages I make when planning the route. I always print a customized calendar from TimeAndDate.com, using their advanced calendar creator.
I sometimes have multiple calendars going during the planning stages and am working out different routes. Rarely, if there’s a lot going on in a day, I have one calendar for the day’s activities and a separate calendar for lodging. This is always one of the first pages so that it’s super easy to glance at it.

There are typically three sections in the journal:
- Overview (with multiple tabs)
- Day-by-day
- Appendix (records/resources/extras)

Important pre-trip arrangements
Travel tickets
Pretty straightforward: I have plane tickets (or car rental info) up front. For an upcoming trip, I have the plane tix up front but the car rental info within the day that I pick up the car.

Lodging can be found in multiple places: up front, it’ll be across calendar days and then I might have lists helping me visualize the different types of lodging. Lodging is also seen throughout the daily pages, on days when we check into a new hotel.
Packing List
Sometimes I get goofy and put the packing list inside/alongside a little sketch of the piece of luggage I plan to pack it in (which is as much for the scrapbook aspect as the planning aspect). But it does help me remember what I want in my carry-on, and if it’s a heavy-packing or multi-checked-bag trip, I like to visualize space. It’s especially helpful if I’ll be packing something mid-trip, i.e. will need to pull stuff from a suitcase to put it in a fanny pack for a specific activity.
Daily MORNING/EVENING reminders
This is one of the most important pages for me personally. There are certain things I just don’t want to forget to do. In the morning, I need to remember to take my medication; if I’ve brought my own pillow to a hotel (which I do whenever possible), I need to remember to take it with me when I check out; I don’t want to forget my phone charger; etc. Likewise, in the evening, I need to take my medication, charge my phone, check the next day’s plans, etc.

Up front, there’s usually a map of the full trip. Then there are regional, or daily, maps throughout the day-to-day pages.
Mileage planning/tracking
I estimate pre-trip, and sometimes track during the trip.
Fun summaries
Sometimes when I look at the journal in the evening, I record little memories.
Important clothing choices
I don’t plan outfits in detail (though I do pack in semi-order), but I do like to know if, for example, a day is going to involve layers, or something classier than jeans, or hiking shoes, or a bathing suit. It’s especially important when activities are varied, or when traveling across many terrains through various weather situations (like, don’t be caught unprepared in a freak snowstorm in Croatia wearing sandals). This could be in a full summary at the beginning of the trip, or throughout the day-to-day (or both).
Meal Plans-ish
I like to have post-its that say B- L- and D-, with any meal plans that I know ahead of time. Maybe breakfast is at the hotel, maybe for dinner we have a reservation, maybe I plan for lunch to be in a certain town…
Coloring maps
This is just fun for me. I print out a country map and then color in the states visited along the way.
Each day has its own tab. I put diary pages in for each day–sometimes just one lined page, sometimes multiple pages if I think it’ll be a full/eventful day. I insert reservations and confirmations, plans for the day, maybe the meal plan, clothes I might need to wear, etc.
Attraction Information
Hours especially; also costs, directions, etc.

Reading Material
I like to add info about the region or activity when something is interesting. I have something to read aloud to Paul when he’s driving (this is great on long car rides), and I can refer back to the info when I look back on the trip.

Scraps (and paperclips!)
The back of the journal is where I keep extras. I keep scraps to use during the trip, and paperclips so I can clip stuff (brochures, postcards, etc. ) to specific days.
I have pouches and envelopes to hold brochures and such. Later, I insert “pages” ad hoc (I travel with a hole punch, much to my friend’s amusement). I’ll often use things I pick up along the way, like teeny paper bags, shoe mitts, whatnot.
Whom am I sending postcards to during the trip? Sometimes I put the addresses with the names.
Sometimes I have a shopping list. Maybe it’s short (“Talavera pottery out west”), maybe longer. Maybe I’m picking up Christmas gifts. Maybe we’re picking up lots of German stuff to bring home.

There was a time when I thought I’d get heavily into social media. I’m terrible at it, so that time has passed. But since some folks do post regularly and effectively, I’ll show you a calendar I made pre-trip, for the Germany trip, that listed some of the hashtags I could use that day for instagram–before, during, and after the trip. I based it on activities, types of photos I planned to take, the day of the week, etc. It also helped me remember to take a pic with the dogs in it on a Wednesday, remember to have a picture of my outfit on Monday, remember to have a beer on National Beer Day, etc. (It’s no doubt easier to just have this stuff on your phone so you can copy and paste, but I’m a paper person, clearly.)

SCRAPPING during and after the trip
I will use all kinds of scraps from the day as pages.

As I mentioned in a caption above, I like to use a mini Polaroid printer with sticker photo paper so that I can print out pics during the trip and put them on the corresponding day’s page. When I get home, I sometimes print out social media posts that I made during the trip, and put them with the corresponding days, and/or print photos on regular paper