It’s November. Many people think of November as the month that grants men permission to cultivate wild mustaches to raise awareness for men’s health issues. For some of us, though, November means something else: Nanowrimo. It is the month that we vow to write 50K words of a novel. It means forgetting to eat, pushing off sleep, succumbing to the untimeliness of inspiration, forgetting to shower, and dealing with the internal conflict over how to count words if you’re constantly revising. (Please spare me the “Don’t edit–just write!” advice. I am physically incapable of this.)
In 2013, I was able to finish my first novel, 50×30, which I edited during 2014 and self-published for Kindle this past summer (it’s in the Lending Library, for those of you who are total cheapskates–or broke millenials).
Publishing Fifty By Thirty makes this year’s Nanowrimo challenge all the more attainable: I know I can write a book. I’ve got this.
I am currently working on June’s Hat, a fictionalization of the infamous Some Guy’s Hat.

While staring at Twitter this morning (productively, obviously), I noticed the Walter Mosey quote, “A man’s bookcase will tell you everything you’ll ever need to know about him.” I turned to my left and stared at my bookshelf. Here, folks, is everything you’ll ever need to know about me:
And now, back to writing. Hopefully.