One rainy day when Sequoia and I had to kill some time, we stopped by the ruins of Schloss Auerbach. The ruins sit atop a hill in the Odenwald, just off the Autobahn.
The ruins are not robust, but there are a few little details that will keep a child interested as you explore the grounds.
We did not stay long, but you can enjoy a meal or catch a jousting tournament at the castle.
I wouldn’t go out of my way to just walk around these ruins, but if you’re in the area it’s an all right stop. After all, castle ruins never get old. If I were to return personally, though, it would only be to eat or to see the jousting tournament.
About Post Author
Kari Martindale
Kari Martindale likes words, so she uses them a lot. Kari sits on the Board of Maryland Writers' Association and is involved with various nonprofits. She writes spoken word poetry, children's books, and other stuff, like whatever blog post you just read. Kari has visited over 35 countries and all 50 States, and is always planning her next road trip. She likes her family a lot; they tolerate her just fine.