I took Some Guy’s Hat for a spin yesterday just to get him out of the office. I didn’t tell him where we were going. When SGH got out of the car in Mainz and saw that we were at a child’s birthday party, he tried to stab me with one of his pins.
He pointed out how close we were to Rudesheim and the bottles of wine hanging from that pin, but I reminded him that he would have to wait until May, when we head to Assmannshausen in Red.
SGH entered the indoor play zone, smacked into a wall of screaming children, and tried to escape on the head of a parent departing the building in a defeated slump. Because I am committed to taking photos of SGH when he is out and about, my eyes scanned the room for just the right spot. In retrospect, I should have agreed with my friend Eric’s first suggestion to buy socks with grips on the bottom to climb up and make SGH King of the Giant, Colorful Liability Trap.
However, in an apparent attempt to take Some Guy’s Hat on a trip to the Mainz hospital, I agreed with Eric that the best shot would be from the constantly opening mouth of the giant, blow-up alligator. While my husband watched Eric’s son (who he thought would be less trouble to keep an eye on), Eric and I headed over to the alligator. Here is how that went:
SGH wants a new pin that says “Just Why?”