Not too long ago, we visited Ulm in order to climb the spiral staircase of Münster cathedral. We would need some rest after climbing round and round, so booking a crooked hotel seemed fit.
In Fishermen’s Quarter (Fischerviertel), just steps away from restaurants, shops, and a bit of an artsy-fartsy vibe, the centuries-old Schiefes Haus leans into the river Blau.
This is no ordinary crooked house: Guinness has recognized its distinction as the World’s Most Crooked Hotel.
The room’s well-preserved Fachwerk stood at times behind plexiglass, which protected it while still allowing guests to see the craftsmanship of this unique hotel.
The bathroom, with its shower/tub situated in the corner, was not dizzying; in fact, it was quite relaxing after climbing that spiral staircase. Are the rooms crooked? Does it seem as crooked on the inside as out? Pretty much. Crooked and, at times, miniature.

But a lever inside the headboard reassures guests that the furniture alterations are legit.
Not that the bed would stop you from sliding into the river…
Fans of geocaching will be well situated, as the hotel sits right across the street from a geocaching shop–one of our views from the room. You can pop in after enjoying the hotel’s ample breakfast buffet.

The gist: I recommend (unless, perhaps you have vertigo)
Schwörhausgasse 6
89073 Ulm
+49 731 967930