While visiting Barcelona, Sequoia noticed this sticker on a pole in Gracia. “Why,” she asked, “would they want tourists to go home?”
We discussed tourism, and the balance between not wanting your city overrun with tourists while wanting to enjoy the economical advantages of being a major tourist destination.
Two days later, we were visiting La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona’s unfinished cathedral. As we descended one of its towers, Sequoia suddenly said, “I know why they want tourists to go home.” I looked up.

She’s no dummy.
About Post Author
Kari Martindale
Kari Martindale likes words, so she uses them a lot. Kari sits on the Board of Maryland Writers' Association and is involved with various nonprofits. She writes spoken word poetry, children's books, and other stuff, like whatever blog post you just read. Kari has visited over 35 countries and all 50 States, and is always planning her next road trip. She likes her family a lot; they tolerate her just fine.