As I wander Europe, I enjoy tasting new things–admittedly often forgetting to take pictures or write about them. Occasionally I do remember to take photos, some of which I will share here. Don’t expect the descriptions to be professional–I’m not a foodie. Some of the foods I eat are more familiar to Americans; others are regional dishes. Some, I could eat every day; some, I would barf if I ever saw them again. Up Today: Liechtenstein, fresh in my mind from this weekend.
Our hotel served a continental breakfast typical of Europe…

I typical eat meats, bread, and an egg.

We were surprised to find that the Engel Ratskeller restaurant in Vaduz, was very Asian-inspired. When we walked in, we were attacked by the smell of Asian food. We walked back out and stared at the menu, wondering if we were in the right restaurant. We were. We decided to give it a try.
I was interested in the Tiger Prawn Risotto, but unsure of how it would taste in this restaurant. Since it was one of the most expensive meals, though, I figured it had to be good enough to live up to its price.

My husband went with an Asian dish—pad thai puk. I don’t eat pad thai, so I didn’t bother tasting it.

My daughter went with her stand-by: Schnitzel (Wiener). It was actually pretty good, with an interesting flavor to its breading.

On our first night in Triesenberg, we popped into nearby Restaurant Kainer for dinner.
Breads were great. They were accompanied by a whipped garlic butter.

Because I was just getting over a stomach bug, I played it safe with Schnitzel (paniertes).

My daughter played it safe with chicken nuggets. She enjoyed them just fine.

My husband was smarter: he ordered yummy pork pieces in a cream-based sauce, with Rosti (a potato side similar to hashed browns).

Here’s where it really gets good: Dinner at Restaurant Torkel, set in a vineyard. Unbelievable.

My husband and I shared a two-course, two-person dish called the Tomahawk. The waiter brought the giant bone of Herford beef ribeye to the table to slice in our presence. I could have eaten it straight off the bone. The first course was accompanied by delicious little roasted potatoes and fresh vegetables. Underneath, among the vegetables, was a green cauliflower we had not encountered before. I have tentatively identified it as Romanesco broccoli. Loved it.

The second course was another serving of the beef, this time over celery leek truffle sauce with nuts, and a side of croutons.

My daughter ordered–shocker–Schnitzel, but was dismayed to see it arrive without breading. I thought she was going to assume fetal position.

Before the main courses, they brought everyone an absolutely wonderful appetizer. My daughter stared at it, terrified. She couldn’t believe it when this soft, hamburger-looking patty on avocado and something else the waiter told us too fast, was actually good (well, delicious, if you ask me). I sat there attempting to identify where I’d recently tasted a similar flavor. Never did. figure it out.

The first dessert I scarfed down in Liechtenstein was a chocolate-drizzled crepe filled with vanilla ice cream and served with raspberry sauce and blueberries.

The second dessert I ate was a chocolate lava cake with orange sorbet.

At Restaurant Torkel, my daughter (who would not give up her coat to the waiter) chose a very light chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream garnished with some carmelized wafers.

I tasted a local pinot noir, which was jussssst right.

The husband had some local beer.
In conclusion, what’s good to eat in Liechtenstein? Everything.
Where will I be eating next? Check out my upcoming travel plans! This is the second country in the “What I’m Eating Around the World” series. Future posts will include Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, the UK–and who knows where else! Last week’s food came from Croatia.