I recently came across an old email telling some friends about a conversation between me and my husband, Paul. It is one of several conversations I’ll publish in upcoming weeks, from old emails. Seriously, it is a wonder we accomplish anything together.
Email from JANUARY 2008
Yesterday, Paul and I were in the car:
Paul: Today, Jiin was asking me all about the caucuses.
Kari: I have a map of the Caucasus at work…Why does she care so much about what’s going on in the Caucasus right now?
Paul: She cares about leadership, I guess.
Tonight, after an election-related commercial:
Paul: Ooh…I wonder what’s going on in the caucuses.
I had to take off my glasses to wipe my eyes as I guffawed.
Kari: Do you remember a conversation we had yesterday?
Paul: About the caucases?
Kari: You brought them up…and my response was that I had a map of the Caucasus?
Paul: Yeah?
Really long pause to see if Paul would catch up.
Kari: You didn’t think that odd?
Paul: Well, I figured you had a map of where everything was taking place.
Really long pause to see if Paul would catch up.
Kari: No. I meant the Caucasus.
Really long pause to see if…
Paul: OH, the MOUNTAINS?
Kari: Yes.
Paul: The biggest news item and you thinking I’m talking about the mountains?
Kari: Well, Jiin is Kurdish.